In recent polls by Hubspot, Forbes, and Meta, it was found that 87% of businesses using video marketing felt they saw a good ROI. 93% said they saw video marketing directly increase their brand awareness AND 94% said video marketing gave potential customers a deeper understanding of the companies product or service.
So, why aren’t you seeing these results?
One of the biggest roadblocks companies run into when diving into video marketing is knowing how to quantify whether or not their videos are successful. HOW MANY TIMES have you gone onto IG Analytics just to have your eyes glaze over. Correctly breaking down marketing statistics can be overwhelming.
That’s why you constantly get emails from companies claiming they can increase your SEO or get your social handles to over 10K FOLLOWERS IN 10 MINUTES!!!!!!!… that one’s a scam by the way, delete the email immediately. BUT, understanding analytics doesn’t have to be as difficult as it seems. Here’s 3 tips for breaking down whether or not your videos are successful.
GET SPECIFIC: We say this time and time again, but the biggest mistake people make when creating video content is not getting specific enough. How do you get specific? Have one goal you are trying to accomplish in any video you make. The goal can vary with each video, but the number of goals per video should never vary. Examples of goals include:
Growing brand awareness
Increasing sales
Promoting a sale or holiday discount
Unveiling a new product or service
GET ACTIONABLE: A call to action is the most important part of any video. We tell our clients that without a call to action their video has no chance of being successful. Why? Because if you don’t tell your audience what to do, they won’t know that they should do anything. With a proper call to action, a viewer may click onto your website, watch more videos, comment, and purchase. Without that CTA, none of these things will happen… EVER. So, what are examples of Call to Actions? Well, here’s five examples:
Give me a call today
Learn more on our website
Fill out this form for a free estimate
Buy Now
Like, subscribe, and comment below
The great thing about call to actions is that picking the right one is actually a lot easier than you might think. Simply, look at what you want your audience to do and tell them to do it.
For most businesses, you either want them to PURCHASE or LEARN MORE (so that they feel comfortable purchasing). If you just want them to purchase, go ahead and say so. The same is true if you want them to learn more. There’s nothing salesy about telling your audience that they should buy now or learn more by clicking the link.
If your product is great and your target audience will benefit from purchasing it, then that’s exactly what you should tell them.
MEASURE CORRECTLY: With a specific video that has a clear call to action you are now ready to look at analytics and measure the success of your videos. Doing so before your videos have cleared the first two steps is like cooking mac n cheese without boiling water or having cheese. You’re gonna be eating crunchy noodles and having no fun at all. The good news is that being specific and having a clear CTA actually makes it really easy to look at analytics. If your focus is on growing your brand recognition and you want your customers to click-through to your website, then you can 1) measure watch time to make sure the content is valuable to your audience, 2) check sharing stats to see if the post has virality within your target audience, or 3) analyze click through rate to make sure your call to action is driving viewers to your website. Another example: let’s say you sell coffee cups and are looking for direct purchases. No problem, whip up a video that specifically showcases how CUTE your coffee cup is or how great the COFFEE CUP FEATURES are and include a call to action about buy right now while supplies last. Then you can watch the analytics to see what percent of people who see the ad click the PURCHASE BUTTON AND what percent of people clicking the button FINALIZE THE PURCHASE.
By getting specific about your videos goal and call to action, you’ll be better prepared to measure the success of your videos.
If this information is helpful and YOU WANT SOME MORE IMMEDIATELY—> Sign up for our course, Make Videos Make Money. To learn more about the course or to sign up, check out our website at this link. After all, it’s time to make videos that make money.